Gamsei - a cocktail bar rethought
"For owner Matthew Bax, his fourth bar, the Gamsei in Munich, is a conscious opposite pole to the general globalization trend. That is why all cocktail ingredients are directly obtained from nature or from local producers. The connection to regional products as well as local culture clearly sets Gamsei apart from competitors. The Architects from Buero Wagner have translated this unique concept into an architectural language. Besides the use of local oak and ceramics, the concept attached great importance to the collaboration with local craftsmen and business. The architects also explored new avenues as regards the interior design. Two opposite, multi-level benches in style of an amphitheater dissolve the otherwise usual separation between barkeeper and the guest. Boundaries are also blurred in the same way for the storage of necessary ingredients. Dried herbs are stored in a walk in cabinet, the content of which is visible for guests, in the rear part of the bar. Here, a door “disguised” as a shelf visually hides the coffee machine as well as the entrance to the toilets and private areas. The bright and welcoming interior is complemented with white ceramic bottles filled with self-made liqueurs syrups and essences, which are hanging from a black metal lattice above the guest’s heads."
Text: Nadine Schmidt